Quote Originally Posted by BPWT.. View Post
I hear what you're saying, but tell that to Apple when they see Samsung phones

To be sure, hard work and constant training is what yields results in any martial art - but people can certainly take and incorporate others methods, and those methods are what you train and put hard work into.

But I don't disagree with you - these days if people teach openly (publicly) they shouldn't be worried about sharing with video, online posts, offering open seminars, etc. If someone really is that protective then they shouldn't be teaching publicly, just train in secret with family (and hope they have no black sheep in the family).
The analogy of different phones or operating systems or formulas is an example of the wrong thinking that keeps the information myth alive. The information is form not substance. I see wing chun like boxing as a learned skill. Skill is the substance. The skill itself cannot be transmitted but only learned through practice just like conditioning can't be transmitted but you develop through your efforts. Information is just a way of helping to direct your efforts to develop skill. Most of the information is nonessential. To use the old zen metaphor information is the finger and skill/conditioning is the moon.