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Thread: Red boat pre 1855 kam's art

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    Red boat pre 1855 kam's art

    Why do we know yik kam art is very very likely to be a pre 1855 redboat art?

    Because there are multiple data of the pre 1855 era can be verify with.


    the history background is there was a pre 1855 red boat opera group which is an anti Qing , hung mun, uprising group lead by Lee Man Mau, and there was a post 1870 opera group which are not the same group but Qing gorverment support group. Between 1855 to 1870 , about 15 years, opera was ban by Qing gorverment.

    So, when one refer to the red boat Wck ancestors who is anti Qing, it is in general refer to the pre 1855 group.

    at the era of pre 1855, there are common term uses at that time among the hung mun a anti Qing members, today we can find these common denominator term within The small knive group of Shang hai , choy li fut, and yik kam SLT kuit.


    it is recorded in the official history of china that, lee man mau of the red boat opera and the small knive group of Shang hai were partners in the red boat uprising of the 1854 era, and the small knive group of Shang hai also related to the Taiping Heavenly kingdom.

    It is also known that choy li fut is the martial art uses to train the Taiping Heavenly kingdom army.

    D, In the era of pre 1855 or pre red boat uprising , we know, the term Hung Ying or its backward writing as Ying Hung or hero are the common term used among the Shang hai small knive group, the Choy li fut , and yik kam SLT kuit on the closing salutation.

    This term were not seen post 1860's after the uprising of red boat and taiping heavenly kingdom destroyed.

    E, the closing salutation kui of yik kam art is

    Sword finger bong elbow present to the hero

    Notice the Hero or Ying hung term

    F, in the attach choy li fut photos show the Ying Hung term used and 1848 related

    G, also the badge of the small knive "Hung ying " group of Shang hai
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    Last edited by Hendrik; 04-10-2014 at 09:32 AM.

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