Really guys! This is the best you can do?

This is the best you can be?

Is it any wonder our arts are in decline?

Maybe not in number and maybe not in popularity but most certainly in ethics, integrity, essence and spirit.

Makes one ashamed to be a "Martial Artist"

This is not about Wing Chun, Hapkido, White Crane, JuJutsu, Mauy Thai, Karate, Judo, Capoeria, Taekwondo or South Mongolian Chicken Wrestling!!!

Its about the decay in spirit, in ethics in how we treat each other, how we respond to discussion and quite frankly I thought you would all be better than this but it seems I was wrong.

It seems you are all happy with the denigration of the arts and each other, happy with the bickering and Internet Pi#sing competitions, the c@ck measuring, the ego and self-importance and that this forum is beyond change for the better ..... I really thought you people would rise to this rather than more of the same.

Very disappointing!

Sad, Really Sad!