'Socrates habitually practiced this: he would stand in one fixed position, all day and all night, from early dawn until the next sunrise, open-eyed, motionless, in his very tracks and with face and eyes riveted to the same spot in deep meditation, as if his mind and soul had been, as it were, withdrawn from his body. His temperance also is said to have been so great, that he lived almost the whole of his life with health unimpaired. Even amid the havoc of that plague which, at the beginning of the Peloponnesian War, devastated Athens, by temperance and abstemious habits he is said to have avoided the ill-effects of indulgence and retained physical vigour.' --- Aulus Gellius, Attic Nights

Certainly this practice will sound familiar to many of us. I can't imagine any of you have not heard of Socrates but even if you have not, rest assured his influence on your life has been great. Of most renown of all the ancients, second perhaps only to Pythagoras, the first man to call himself a philosopher (Pythagoras who incidentally was vegetarian and believed in reincarnation, even that he could remember his past lives).

Its just awesome to find these little things sometimes.... It thought I would share it with you all.

A practice then that has been valued by the wisest across all the ancient world. Well then, we would be foolish to dismiss it.