Crazy English founder, wife-beater Li Yang converts to Buddhism, promises to teach monks English

Apparently deciding that Islam wasn't his cup of tea, crazy Chinese founder and shameless wife-beater Li Yang has converted to Buddhism, acknowledging Shi Yongxin, the Buddhist Abbot as his master. Somehow we doubt that donning new robes will help him discard old "habits."

Li was renamed "Yan Yi" at Dengfeng Shaolin Temple in Henan Province on July 26, ifeng says. Li Yang told his Buddhist Abbot that he was willing to give the monks English training to help promote Shaolin culture in the Western world. He also donated 10,000 English books to the Zhengzhou Charity Federation.

Li Yang's actions have unsurprisingly stirred the internet pot.

"The English version of Buddhist Scriptures is going to be published, and the future English textbooks are Buddhist Scriptures." web users草原狼郑强 mocked.

小小小西下 said: "I'm not attached to this guy at all. He used to come to my senior high school to cheat us to buy his books. After he got the money, he left and forgot all he promised to do for us."

"Is he going to create a 'Crazy Shaolin'?" 屠龙刀的围脖 asked.

"Shi Yongxin's Shaolin Temple becomes a shelter for a gangster."让自由做主 wrote.

Carmeronaldo added, "In the future, Shaolin Temple has one more monk who hides himself in the trees and recites his Buddhist crazily.

Unfortunately, it seems that in the eyes of the public, Li Yang will always worship at the "Church of Douchebag."

By Lucy Liu
Good move, Yongxin! Just the kind of guy you need on board to bolster the Shaolin image.