As a moderator, You must be falling a sleep on the issue.

Quote Originally Posted by Sihing73 View Post
Hendrick, wasn't it you who mentioned Wayne as supporting your views and research?
Now that he is directly posting that your got it wrong you now want nothing to do with him

Unless of course you were referencing another "Wayne" then perhaps you could clarify who it is that supports your views named "Wayne".
Then again, I will not hold my breath waiting for you to actually answer any questions, including my own.

FWIW, I have uncovered new research that indicates that "Ancient Aliens" landed in China and taught what has become known as Wing Chun to some of the people and they passed it on to future generations. I have seen the ancient scrolls giving the secret songs and poetry which were written on a metalic substance which, though bendable, will not rip or tear. Of course you need the special glasses and special stones to read the scrolls.

I have it on good authority that the "Aliens" will return sometime in the future and at that time will unify all of the different branches of Wing Chun. Those who will not accept their word will be cast out and forced to practice Tae Bo.