It hurts my head because 1. this news even exists and 2. there's this perfect decade+ old thread on our forum for posting it.

KFC Japan Celebrates 'Colonel Day' With Fried Chicken Computer Accessories, Jewelry
posted on 2014-09-04 22:00 EDT by Lynzee Lamb

If only there was a way to make computer keyboards and mice tastier, crunchier, and fried. KFC Japan is ready to fill the marketing void in chicken-based computer products with some limited edition items to celebrate "Colonel Day."

Colonel Sanders is celebrating his birthday, and on the auspicious day of its creator, KFC Japan is holding a Twitter campaign where participants have a chance to win one fried-chicken mouse, one keyboard with chicken keys, and one giant fried USB memory stick.




The fast-food franchise is also giving away 47 pairs of fried-chicken earrings. In total, 50 winners will be chosen after the campaign ends on September 24.

To enter, Twitter users need to follow KFC, link to the campaign's promotional page with the hashtag “#KFCカーナルズデー” (“KFC Colonel's Day”).