I suppose the proper thing to do would be to divvy up our original TMNT thread into individual topics as it started with the 2007 version and is now about the 2014 version (note we're running a sweepstakes for the Blu-ray/DVD combo pack now). But I'm not going to bother. That thread is like 10 pages now. Moving on...

TMNT is green lit. And yes, that's a triple entendre pun here, fully intended for maximum PUN-ishment. FTW!!

‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2′ Finds Director

DECEMBER 4, 2014 | 04:00PM PT
Justin Kroll
Film Reporter

“Earth to Echo” director David Green is in talks to direct “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2,” sources confirm.

Jonathan Liebesman directed this summer’s “Turtles” pic, which grossed $478 million worldwide, but Paramount wanted to take a new approach and decided to open the director search. Liebsman would have been unable to direct on such short notice anyway, as he is currently directing the 10-part event series “Shannara.”

Michael Bay is producing along with his Platinum Dunes partners Brad Fuller and Andrew Form. Josh Applebaum and Andre Nemec are penning the script.

Unknown at this point are plot details and who will return from the original pic, though Megan Fox and Will Arnett are expected to reprise their roles.

The Turtles franchise is one of Paramount’s top properties following its success this summer — so much so that Paramount dated the sequel for 2016 before even locking down a director or cast.

The job is a huge win for the Green who, prior to “Earth to Echo,” was known more for his short films including “Dial M for Murder” and “New Romance.” Paramount is typically careful about budgets and likes to work with directors who can make the most out of what they have to work with, as Green did on “Echo,” which cost only $13 million to make.

Paramount had no comment.

Green is repped by WME, Kaplan/Perrone Entertainment and attorney Matthew Wallerstein .
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 Will Probably Feature These 3 Characters

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles feature that was released this past summer reintroduced a whole bunch of classic characters from the comics and TV shows - including the likes of Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo as well as April O'Neil, Shredder and Splinter. The coming sequel, however, will allow the new live-action series to provide screentime for even more in-universe characters - and apparently there are big plans to do exactly that.

With Earth To Echo director David Green now attached to helm Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 and the project moving forward, Platinum Dunes producers Brad Fuller and Andrew Form have been discussing where the franchise is heading and what new characters the movie will introduce. Speaking with the Brazilian outlet Omelette, the two filmmakers revealed that fans will get to see brand new versions of both Bebop and Rocksteady in the new film, and that discussions are now in the works about including Casey Jones in the mix. Said Form,

"We can say that Bebop and Rocksteady are in the film, and Casey Jones is a character that we love and we’re trying to fit him in as well"
This is actually further development of a story that sprung up all the way back in July - a few weeks before the release of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. At that time, Fuller mentioned that there were daily discussions about including Bebop, Rocksteady and Casey Jones. The first film wound up being a box office success, leading to a sequel being announced, and that's what brings us to today and this confirmation.

For those unfamiliar with the characters, Bebop and Rocksteady were originally introduced as members of the Foot Clan (the organization run by Shredder). After a humiliating defeat, at the hands of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Shredder mutates them with warthog and rhinoceros DNA. Rather than being a part of the original comics, Bebop and Rocksteady were first introduced on the 1987 animated series. The characters were going to appear in the 1991 film Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret Of The Ooze, but due to rights issues they were replaced by two other mutant creatures, Tokka and Rahzar.

Unlike Bebop and Rocksteady, Casey Jones has already had his live-action debut, having been played by Elias Koteas all the way back in 1990 in the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film. The character is a hockey mask-wearing vigilante who has a knack for knocking the hell from criminals with various pieces of sporting equipment (though he's naturally best known for his work with hockey sticks). There is also a good chance that he will wind up having some kind of romantic relationship with April O'Neil, who was played by Megan Fox in the most recent Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles iteration.

The folks at Paramount Pictures and Platinum Dunes aren't wasting any time with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 and will be releasing it on June 3, 2016 - with plans to start production in 2015. Who do you think they should get to play Bebop, Rocksteady and Casey Jones?