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Thread: Tommy Carruthers

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    springfield mo usa
    Quote Originally Posted by B.Tunks View Post
    10 Oz gloves are big and fluffy and you can get fouled in Muay Thai from kneeing the 'legs around the knee'. Righty-o... Thought you trained and fought in Thailand Brat? (stadiums, no less) Or am I mixing you up with the other dude? because it seems like you two are the same person talking back and forth to himself. Go on with your mid-90s bad self though. Mildly entertaining.
    !0 oz gloves will negate the blow of a framing hammer so yes, in that regard I would consider them big and fluffy. Then again we are scuffling over semantics. Yep, I trained at Muay Thai Institute which sits at the back of Rangsit stadium (Google it). From 2007-2010 I trained going through the Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, Professional, and instructor I, and II. I fought 3 times at Rangsit Stadium, two at Lumpini, and once in Phuket. My record is 4 and 2. No knockouts. And yes I got fouled for kneeing some dude excessively in the knees. Of course that could have been the particular referee but they've been known to try and sway the fight depending on who's betting on it. I only fought with other foreigners I never fought a Thai professionally. So I'd Like to hear your rebuff to that.

    As for the poster known as "Frost" ....."Oh knifefighter! Oh Knifefighter! Whither thou so goest Knifefighter now that thou hast been banned from the Kung Fu forums?!" Well ol' Knifefighter (AKA Dale Franks) I will admit is a legitimate Black belt in BJJ. But he is also a guy with a serious case of little man syndrome and probably a personality disorder to boot seeing how despite his obvious qualifications he spent the better part of a decade trolling a Kung Fu forum. Beloved of trolls like rolls and ralek alike, Dale Franks spent most of his time when he was not training under Caique (spelling?) trying to "out" faceless wanks on this forum and others who had anything cross to say about his beloved BJJ. Oh and by the way didn't Franks' MMA carreer kind of end when he was slapped down by Tim Cartmell, a mostly traditional martial artist (although trainedin BJJ)? I could be wrong on that last one but I seemed to remember he did fight that guy or someone else and lost.

    No Frost let me tell you what ol Dale would probably do. He would probably call up Rangsit Stadium and claim to be an Interpol agent and try to get my personal information (Sound familiar?)so he and his goon squad (consisting of posters half of which were probably him signing on with an alternate tag) could hee hee and haw haw all day and pat themselves on the back for besting someone at internet fu. I do recall one occasion where another poster who was supposed to be some BJJ Lord claimed to have went to one of Dale's fights and met him and he described him as something like " A bodybuilder of Herculean build." Shortly thereafter Dale posted a picture of himself showing his "buffness". Unfortunately a couple years later it was discovered that the pic in question was taken about the same time the US hostages were released from Tehran. In fact Dale Franks was in reality a spindly little old man. So the "esteemed" poster in general was a F###### liar because if in fact he had seen Dale at the event, he would have seen the spindly little old man not a bodybuilder of herculean build. And Dale didn't rebuff these assertions but by posting the 30+ year old pic just purported the myth making him a fraud.

    Now as I stated, Dale is a legitimate martial artist as am I and many others on this site. But why he would spend so much of his time preoccupied with what some faceless jock on an internet forum thinks leads me to believe he has issues. I once had a roundabout with Dale and to be honest I just wish he would continue to train in BJJ, lose fights, and generally wank off. Could Dale beat me in a BJJ match? Probably so since his experience exceeds mine just like I could probably f### him up in Muay Thai respectively. What does all that prove? Nothing! We are both old men (he got some on me there though) and he's not Renner Gracie and I'm not Cung Lee.

    Oh and if you're really still hot over Dale I hear he still wanks off over at Sherdog and occasionally the underground (if it's still called that). You can go and tell him I badmouthed him and I could honestly care less. If Dale wants a piece of this equally insignificant person he can pull out his wallet and come to see me. I will gladly get it on with him in the parking lot outside my cheap apartment. Then he could either get on his soapbox over at sherdog or quietly disappear depending on the outcome. I could really care less either way.
    Last edited by Brat; 03-26-2015 at 05:18 AM.

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