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Thread: The Jesus debate/superstition

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    The Jesus debate/superstition

    Why is it every time Jesus is mentioned logic and reason go out the window? Yesterday I’m sitting on the bus in the back row alone and a lady sits next to me, says hi in English and mentions Jesus. She speaks some English but not well I speak Chinese, also not great. So she starts telling me her grandfather and father and mother all are Jesus freaks, cough cough I mean Christians. So I chat a bit, and am contemplating whether to tell her I believe in the Hindu religion,[ if I want to go there with her, cause I know the routine]. So I mention it anyway, suddenly she stiffens up looks straight ahead and make some weird face, then begins with the [Jesus is the only real religion bit I have heard so many times]. I go on to explain according to the Hindu religion all the religions are real but God sends down different messages for different times and they deal with the people according to their spiritual level and mentality[which makes logical sense].as usual she has nothing to say other than Jesus is the only real God /religion.

    I start to explain now in Chinese ,lower middle and higher level and Christian religion is lower level based on the content of the Christian bible. For example fear of God, to se someone out of fear is the lowest form of service, to serve in love is the highest form of service. She isn’t hearing any of it, after all this all make logical sense. My wife said it the best the Christian religion make smart people stupid. Can you imagine sitting next to a stranger, starting a conversation about your religion and then telling them their religion is not real but yours is? Unbelievably ignorant, and then to top it off, no logic or reasoning pertain to this topic whatsoever.
    Last edited by wiz cool c; 10-25-2015 at 06:04 PM.

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