Quote Originally Posted by sanjuro_ronin View Post
I really don't think it is that.
I think that because many practitioners do NOT like to fight that many teachers have passed off chi sao as all that is need ( along with some drills).
People get really good a chi sao and don't like doing hard sparring.
I know that it isn't a common phenomena in BJJ BUt I do know of a few guys that just roll ( only ground work) and don't like to spar or anything that takes them outside their comfort zone.
What happens is that we get so good and enjoy being good at a safe and limited skill set that we simply choose not to believe that we need to actually get hit and hit in training.
It isn't just WC either, I know many a kyokushin guy that can't fight with head shots as well as they can without so all they focus on is no-headshots sparring and then make themselves believe that it is enough.
But then those bjj guys probably don't care about anything other than bjj as a sport, as long as they aren't passing off what they are doing as fighting or self defence I can't see a problem, bit like if I ask my judo coach if what we are doing is self defence, he most likely will scratch his head and say we are doing judo a sport??

But if you are passing off your wing chun as a fighting art, as a self defence art and all you do is chi sao, then there is a problem