Some violators are dumb as rocks.

Animal Cruelty

Brothers Catch Endangered Python, Cook It In A Stew, Then Are Arrested By Police
No eating endangered animals

Charles Liu Charles Liu, April 18, 2016 9:28am

Like many Chinese, the Guan brothers spent Tomb Sweeping Day paying their respects to their ancestors. However while sweeping their family’s tomb near Shuiming, Bobai, the brothers discovered an unexpected guest: a three-metre long python.

Instead of leaving the endangered species to itself, the Guan brothers decided to take the 15 kilogram snake home, slaughter it, and cook it in a stew. However, before doing so, they decided to take a bunch of photographs of the capture and post them online. Thankfully, someone brought the incident to the attention of local authorities who, on the same day, arrested the brothers.

The python is a state-protected animal in China. Following confirmation from Yulin forestry officials that the photographs were in fact of a protected python, the Guan brothers were arrested. Sometimes social media has its benefits.

Source: People's Daily Online, Sina Slide, Sina Photos
Photos: People's Daily Online, Sina Slide, Sina Photos