There is a growing number of celebs into Buddhism. Thought I'd start a thread...

Katy Perry's Teenage Dream is to become a Buddhist like Orlando Bloom
23:34, 29 APR 2016 UPDATED 23:34, 29 APR 2016
"Katy is very open minded and loves trying new things. Orlando is very into Buddhism and has been encouraging her to practise"

Getty Katie Perry and Orlando BloomKatie Perry and Orlando Bloom

Katy Perry is considering converting to Buddhism like boyfriend Orlando Bloom. The singer has been chanting with him and invited pals to join them in sessions at the Coachella festival in California this month.

The couple, who have been dating since January, lead a group including rocker Courtney Love to repeat the verse “nam-myoho-renge-kyo” – a mantra of enlightenment.

Orlando, 39, is a Nichiren Buddhist while Katy’s parents are evangelical pastors. Katy PerryWhat Katy did next

She never previously got into the religion – despite ex-husband Russell Brand’s interest – but sources say she is so loved up with the actor she is trying the faith for him. Pals believe she could even convert fully.

One source claimed: “Katy is very open minded and loves trying new things. Orlando is very into Buddhism and has been encouraging her to practise. At Coachella, they gathered a group of people together and it was clear that Katy had practised the verse before.

“It’s a very upbeat and positive practise so she really enjoys it. She has got so involved that she may even convert for good.”

Getty Orlando Bloom and Katy Perry attend The Weinstein Company and Netflix Golden Globe Party

Orlando, who took the faith in 2004, has said: “The philosophy I’ve embraced isn’t about sitting under a tree and studying my navel, it’s about studying what is going on in my daily life and using that as fuel to live a bigger life.”

Katy, 31, has previously renounced her parents’ faith and has insisted she didn’t believe in “an old man sitting on a throne”.