Cannes. FTW.

SAVAGE DOG: Marko Zaror And Scott Adkins Are Reuniting!
Andrew Mack, Associate Editor, News

As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words, right? Well, this sales art from Cannes is all we have right now to let you know that Marko Zaror and Scott Adkins are reuniting for a new film from Jesse V. Johnson called Savage Dog. This reunion has been a long time coming since 2010’s Undisputed 3: Redemption.

So what is it about?

No idea.

When can we see it?

Well, it shoots this June, so, no idea.

Is there anything at all that you can tell us?

I mean, ****, Marko Zaror and Scott Adkins are in it. Is that not enough?

Keep typing, Nancy.

Well, the director Jesse V. Johnson, has been a long time stunt actor and coordinator in some pretty big Hollywood productions. Both The Amazing Spider-Man films, the first Thor film, all the way back to the original Total Recall in 1990. He's seen things.

Who is JuJu Chan?

Ah. Well she starred in Netflix's doomed Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon sequel Sword of Destiny and a couple flicks produced by Roger Corman but do not hold that against her. It gets really interesting if you look past that. Check out these excerpts from her IMDB bio...
She is.. a Muay Thai (Thai Boxing) 46KG Champion in Hong Kong, and a Taekwon-Do Black Belt international championship medalist. She... represented Hong Kong in the 18th World Taekwon-Do ITF Championships and China Open Taekwon-Do Championships where she won a GOLD medal in Female black belt pattern and a BRONZE medal in Female black belt sparring competitions... was coined as the next Michelle Yeoh and Female Bruce Lee by the Hong Kong Media, she is the only female actress in Hong Kong who has mastered the nunchakus, including double nunchakus.

One word. Badass.

I mean, come on, that has to be enough to keep you all at bay for now. Once production starts hopefully we will have more to share with you.

Yesterday, 8:00 pm