Quote Originally Posted by mickey View Post


That was a good share. I knew about Scota and Scotland. I appreciate the new findings.


The paper written by James E. Brunson was short. It was a nice look back in time. The book, "The African presence in Early Europe" has its gems. If I remember correctly, only Brunson's submission addresses the research that you are doing.

You mentioned a cataclysmic event that took place 12,000 to 13,000 years ago. Well, the late Chee Soo, the author of "The Tao of Long Life" made mention of a group of people showing up in China around who were over 7 feet tall and dressed in a manner never before seen in China. They were called "The Sons of Reflected Light" and began teaching the best and the brightest their knowledge, part of which included a wide spectrum of health arts, acupuncture being one of them. Chee Soo wrote that the teachings contained in that book is based on the "guidelines and foundations" handed down to the Taoists from these people. Now, many people have called Chee Soo a fraud because of his Tai Chi Chuan; but, he was on the money with this history because DNA research has confirmed that a large group of people did arrive in China @12,000 years ago. The DNA matched people now living in the area of Ethiopia. By the way, the highest level of attainment one can achieve in what is called the Egyptian Mystery System is to become a Son of Light. To add, some have found strong similarities between Tehuti (Thoth), Enoch and Fu Hsi (the first of China's Legendary Five Emperors).

Edit: Chee Soo wrote that he learned Taoist arts from his uncle, Chan Kam Lee.


What you mentioned about history. "The Sons of Reflected Light." That seems to make sense & I have felt something like this to be the case for a long while now. I have seen stones in New England that 1) looked like an Egyptian Thoth (a large round stone shape that looked like his head profile that was placed as an obvious feature in a stone row) and 2) looked like a Horus stone. This second stone I stood back up in place, not realizing what it was at first (it was laying knocked over next to a knocked over Standing Stone in the shape of an obelisk no less). This "Horus" stone has a full head and body to it- I am blown away at the similarities to Horus this stone is shaped out to be. I do not have a pic of this second one at this time. But, it looks very identical workmanship to a stone found in Australia, from a site called the Gympie Pyramid, a megalithic site that was there before colonists arrived. This stone in Australia is said to be Thoth with a monkey face. And I am saying that there is an identically worked-out stone in New England I came across shaped out as Horus- same size, dimensions, workmanship as the Thoth stone found in Australia. The sites as far as I can tell are "sister" sites spread across the globe (the Gympie Pyramid in Australia also had Standing Stones).

Also, on internet searches. I came across a video that showed a stone bowl shape found in Honduras (I think Honduras- certainly from Central America.) This stone bowl was shaped so someone could either lay their head down in it or wear it across their shoulders as a sort of back-end helmet. There were depressions in the stone that co-related to the acupressure points on the back of the head/ neck. Now, some people may off-handedly disregard such evidence because it is a peg that cannot fit into a round hole. But, seeing what I have seen and witnessed with my own eyes in the part of the world where I live, I cannot so easily dismiss such a thing. And as you know, I have seen things which I have not publicly talked about.

Yup. You have some real good knowledge, mickey. Your post has strengthened my perceptions and convictions about some of these sites- pegs that do not fit so neatly into round holes. I will post some more pictures/ etc. in this thread soon to come relevant to this conversation.