Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
Good info.

I would point out that there are variations (some great) among southern styles. Styles like CLF, Hung Gar, Mok Gar, etc., have more kicks and/or open positions and movements than the (primarily Fujian?) systems that specialize in short-hand. That doesn't necessarily mean the more 'open/expansive' styles are more vulnerable, but they operate on different principles. I still wouldn't classify them as 'kicking styles' per se, but they are far more versatile in leg techniques than just a low front snap kick and low heel thrust. Although I have heard that Hung Gar was originally narrower and less expansive than it's often seen now.

I studied Lung Ying (Dragon) for a while in the '80s, and there was a lot of front knee and foot pointed in, elbows down and chest caved in. Even more "closed in" than the San Zhan stance appears to me. It was a good system, but it felt uncomfortable and unnatural to me, even after 18 months, so I moved on. Someone else might feel differently.
Equally good info.

Thanks Jimbo.