Quote Originally Posted by KPM View Post
I don't have the idea that it is somehow lacking lurking in my subconscious as you so obviously do in terms of the training you have done. And that is not surprising, seeing what you do and listening to how you think about the system.

---No, it is exactly the opposite. I don't have some subconscious sense of lacking. You two have this subconscious sense of superiority, the snobbish sense that your WSLVT is so much better than everyone else's Wing Chun, that comes across in nearly every discussion. Its part of how both of you post. Its inherent in what you just said above. Maybe you are not even aware of it? That's what rubs me the wrong way.

---And for someone that showed up in MT at least twice and maybe three times after being banned under a faked identity to lie to the forum members and continue to stir up trouble, you really don't have room to lecture anyone else!
Can i ask why are you bothering with this again? It's the same none answers everyone has been getting for years from these guys, the only one of them to actually put up a clip was Kevin and that was by accident and well, would you like to train with someone who performs like that?