Quote Originally Posted by KPM View Post
So far the list of "disapproved" WSLVT is growing. It seems to include David Peterson, Gary Lam, Wang Xi Peng, and Jerry Yeung. Probably others that I am forgetting.
This same lie again!

I don't disapprove of GL and WZP. They openly train things a bit or a lot differently, is all.

DP and JY are essentially the same, and yeah, I don't share their views on VT.

If you want to experience the VT I'm talking about, it just makes sense to visit people I agree with.

I'm sure whoever you checked out would be on the list as well, especially if they were in the US.
Quite clear he didn't check anyone out. He is even more clueless than you.

If he or anyone else would actually like to, just let me know where about in the world you are, which continent and country, and I'll let you know where I think the closest VT is to you.

But in general, I can tell you now, the area with the greatest density of quality VT is going to be in Central Europe.