Congrats RZA. Mission accomplished. OUATIS may not have got the art gallery exhibit you dreamed of, but it surely became art.

U.S. prosecutors could seize Shkreli's $2 million Wu-Tang album, Picasso

Convicted former pharma exec Martin Shkreli may have to part with a one-of-a-kind album by the Wu-Tang Clan, which he bought for $2 million. (Timothy A. Clary / AFP/Getty Images)
Renae Merle
Washington Post

Martin Shkreli may have spun his last track on a one-of-a-kind album by the Wu-Tang Clan.

Prosecutors said Friday that the former biotech CEO, who was convicted this year on securities fraud charges, should be forced to forfeit $7.4 million. That amount could include $5 million in bail money and the celebrated New York hip-hop group's album "Once Upon a Time in Shaolin," which he bought two years ago for $2 million.

Prosecutors said they may also seek Shkreli's interest in Turing Pharmaceuticals, his Enigma code-breaking machine from World War II and his Picasso painting. Shkreli became a focal point of national controversy when he raised the sticker price of a potentially life-saving drug by 5,000 percent in 2015.