I have a question about protein. As far as I know to really gain in muscle you need to take in about 1gm of protein per pound of your total body weight. I am also under the impresion that your body can only obsorb so much protien at a time, something like 30gms every three hours. So my first question is, How am I saposed to equal my body to protein ratio through out the day? taking in 30 grams ever 3 hours will only get me 120 grams in 12 hours. Pleas forgive any of my misconceptions as I'm still trying to weed out all the myths in my head about weight training and nutrtion.

My other question is on the same line so to speak. GNC sells some 'Mega Whey' protein that has 40 grams per serving. Is this worth while, or will some of that protein just go right through my system? Should I take something like this at night? Thanks for all the responces and forgive me once again for any of my wrong ideas here, thanks!