You and others have posted some very valid reasons about why sparring shouldn't happen soon. Others might have a different opinion, but the conerns you voice are real.

What I don't understand is why simply challenging the prevailing assumptions evokes such rancor.
My reply-
((No rancor at all. You mistake the intentions. There are two- and they vary. 1. Often times the same old questions are asked
abut wing chun by anonymous non wing chun trolls. I appreciate your elaborations on grappling BTW. Its more boredom than rancor. I never tire of trying to be helpful to a sincere newbie atleast in my intentions. When i see a reflexive sarcasm about my art
I try to ignore- upto a point... because there are other readers besides the poster, at some point I might chose to reply however briefly
2. More importantly than the above--- you are not the only merry prankster around. The gift of laughter is important- s[ecially when the gods are crazy and mirthful themselves. Never mind the assumptions on that)))

And the only conclusion I can come to is that somehow its considered arrogant to challenge the assumption, when, in fact, thinking critically is all ABOUT challenging the assumptions.
My reply:
((I dont have a problem with critical thinking about the premises of wing chun or any subject.. Been there- done that and do that myself..I do get bored with dogmatic assertions from non wing chun perspectives which can come accross as faddish group think. The problem often
on the net is so many posters become instant experts and have opinions about everything. In politicsI am a complete egalitarian-
because of the democratic notion of consent.In some areas such as chosinga mayor for some cities we would probably have the same percentage of errors if we chose by casting lots or drawing straws. But in matters of searching for knowledge, I am less of a democrat. One nedds to combine botha questioning creative attitude together some tacit knowledge of a subject.PS. Wing Chun's fundamental structural principles- the famous YGKYM allowing for lineage variations are simply different from wrestling, boxing, tkd, karate and non wing chunners and many newbies dont understand the stance and how important and difficult it is to develop that stance well so that it is both very rooted and very mobile and provides a launching platform for an extensive and powerful array of weapons. Is it constantly important to prove
that? I dont think so. Critical inquiry also requires some work on the part of the inquirer))

Or, I could be tired from 12 hours of watchstanding and be talking out of my arse about the arrogance bit... but critical thinking starts with challenging the assumptions.

((Sleep deprivation is an American epidemic... I average 3-4
hours... and not by choice...but wing chun keeps my center.
It just happens to be true!))

PS Given m y two fingured bad typing... my actual spelling skills are often in flight via erring fingers and absenta list
software spell check.