I make reference to BAKMAE's (alias Shaolin Master) post on "HAS YOUR TRAINING PUT YOU ON TO THE RAOD TO ENLIGHTENMENT" 12-20-00 11:14pm.

I have taken quotes from that post refering to myself.

"i would love the opportunity to give you an extended hospital visit . Sounds like you think you are the badass,, anytime f**khead..I would drop you and your worthless wing chun before you even know what was coming... you think you are any different from anyone else who tried and been dropped?
i dare anyone to pay me a ****ing visit. Anyone who thinks he's got the balls to step up will be welcomed and destroyed instananeously I hope you're the first one who shows because ****head you're gonna get the biggest lesson of your life..
Anyone want to back this ****face up Biu if you come calling there better **** well better be more than one of you and ya better **** well make sure to say goodbye to your friends if you want to put your life on the line you can reply here and set it up "

Well you "dare anyone" is that a open public challenge ?YOu've managed to refer to me as Wing Chun and it being worthless, well I'll leave that one there.

Is that a public challenge to myself ?Be careful how you answer this one, the ice is thin and there's cracks.

You came welcomed to our school and have yum cha with my sifu and this is how you return that invitation. These challenges you made to others, i hope for your sake they don't chase the post also. There are others I know are wanting to give "YOU" a visit but aren't related to the forum.
" Oh who have I spoken to I wonder" and" what have I said " you must be thinking....
good luck!!!!