Yup i just took my last TKD practice before i'm going to USA, it's still a month away but i dont wanna practice during my exams because then i'd study less (my exams start in 5 days).

So this is the deal, i have 3 teachers (3 black belts that is), one is kinda cool and likes MMA, i burned him my copy of "Choke - Rickson Gracie documentry", one of them is just new and doesnt really have that much of an oppinion of me (good or bad) and the last one is the most intense one and i've always felt like he's been uncomfortable with me coming from another art, and he's asked me before if i was practicing somehting else and was happy that i wasnt.

So i kinda expected the first two to dont care that much just saying "ok", but in return i expected the last teacher to be kinda mad that i'd be leaving to train something else, i figured he'd react with an attitude like "yeah whatever, i figured you'd drop out someday", since i've always felt kinda like i have to prove my dedication to TKD in order to gain his respect (more then just a student off the street).

But i was really surprised with his reaction, he was happy that i was showing dedication to training in general. Furthermore he asked lots of questions about what i was going to do and asked me for my email so we could keep in touch when i was abroad and i could contact him for any trouble i had (since he's lived in USA training for 4 years), his reactions were more of being concerned that i wasnt getting ripped off or getting into something bad, he just urged me to check everything out beforehand and to let him now of my progress and how i was doing (he took down my email and when i'd leave so he could stay in touch).

Seriously i'm so surprised, i was expecting him to be all intense like i was betraying him or something like that because he's kinda hard to reach as anything else as a teacher and is really serious about his training. I'm so happy with this cause now i can come back to training next year with no worries and only good stories to tell.

So we said goodbye, i bowed to him, he wished me good luck and said "have fun man" while i wished him luck on the European championship he's attending next month.

Just thought i'd post it, thought it was a cool reaction from him