I've been doing a lot of reading about Wing Chun (and no, I don't believe everything I read ), right from its roots to present day and there is one thing that is bothering me. And this is one thing that I have found almost across the board agreement on. As I understand it WC was invented as a simple, effective art designed to be learned in a maximum of about three years time - if one was to train full time.

Why then is it that my instructor who has trained full time for 12 years is not considered to have learned the whole system? Is it because of things that have been added over the years, or is it a lineage thing? I understand people who have not trained full time taking more years to learn it, but someone who has trained four times the original amount of time said should have learned the whole system. Is it a money thing?

Do your lineages take so much longer than the original idea? Wing Chun sells itself on the premise that it is so efficient and quick to learn, but is it really? Twelve years is not a quick system.

Someone please enlighten me and restore my faith in the system!!!