I am wondering if anyone on this forum has experience with Pentjak Silat, and how it relates to short hand TCMA?

I recently had an opportunity to witness demonstrations of the Art - including 8 Jurus, and six of the forms (Naga, Harimau, Blakok, Manyet, etc.). I must say they appear to be a remarkable combination of Dragon / Hsing-I! I was told that this particular art was from Java - and therefore stayed more "upright" than some of its cousions.

There is not a lot out there on this Art - the principles of "Hakka" arts and these arts seem very close. The main difference seems that PS stays lower to the ground - more torso bend, more twisting.

Are there many different styles of PS, or several branches, or one main school? I am a little more familiar with Ind. Kun Tao, but only familiar with D. Draegor (sp?) comments.

Any observations / comments (MST?)?

Cheers - Smashing Bridge Barkman

[This message was edited by Kevin Barkman on 05-03-01 at 07:26 PM.]