Was surfing. Few local guys out.

Then a car pulled up with three out of town guys. Never stoked about that, but no problem.

These guys come out, with beers. Leave finished bottles right on the beach before paddling out -- not a good first impression.

They paddle right out to the peak and start hassling everyone for waves, calling guys off and being obnoxious.

Equivalent to going to a playground and, while people are in the middle of a game, start running in and out of the court, yelling and screaming, even intercepting the ball and running around with it.

Now, if it was Michael Jordan, and he came up and dunked the ball -- well, that is one thing. But these drunk bums were terrible, not only taking waves, but then blowing them.

There were words between a few of the guys and my friends. I paddled away and found my own peak.

Anyway, I get out and I see these guys in the parking lot using their surf wax to write derogatory crap on everyone's windows. And, waxing their locks so they can't get into their car. A real hassle, $hit is hard to get off.

Lucky, thy didn't get to mine, but were waxing a good friend of mines at the time.

Still, in my wetsuit, I call out: "What the hell are you doing?"

Two of the guys were already changed and in the car, ripping bong hits actually.

Their loud mouth friend, wax in hand: "None of your God **** business."

Now, I have the pony-tail, the goatee, the full on beach bit(h look. Only thing, unlike these Long Island guys, I didn't grow up at the beach or the suburbs, I grew up in Newark.

"None of my business huh, that's my boys car you're f*cking with". I zipped my suit back up because I knew -- didn;'t want anything loose to be grabbed.

"What you doing to do about it?" He was looked to his friends. I looked to his friends. They stayed put.

"I'm going to kick your ..."

I finished the statement, and I admit, I could have been more polite, maybe been sorf and avoided the whole thing. But they ****ed me off so I admit, I egged this on.

He charged. He was a bit smaller thenmyself, maybe 5'9- 5'10, 175 180. Small, but kind of big for a surfer.

My right hit his outstreched arms as he chraged and I felt his weight. Stepped back and gave him a left. His arms took off a lot of the power and I was more or less stiff arming him. There was a moment, it seemed like 7 seconds but probbaly less, where it seemed like we froze.

I had my back hand up and I felt his arms at the side of my head, my palm was on his chin pushing his head back, his hand got to the side of my face and then we broke.

He had his hands up, did a little side to side dance.

I was reday, a little disapointed in myself. All I was thinking is that I better not loose to this guy. If I do, I'm a looser and full of $hit.

He charged again. I braced myself and caught him with a solid right uppercut. He didn't fall, but it hurt him. He stumbled back and pout his arms out in the "OK, enough" posture.

I hard my guard slightly up, knowing I hurt him and trying to look relaxed to mess with his mind. My adrenaline was flying.

He backed a way to the truck, threw his board in and hopped in wetsuit still on.

I did the same, not wanting to hang around incase someone saw.

Now, I won the confrontation, no doubt. That one shot landed solid and clean. Jarred his body but I knew it took him out of the game and I sensed that I definitely out powered him.

BUT, I was really unhappy with the first clash. Terrible. How could he get to me. How could we be tied up like that? It was my first real fight in years. I was nervous that first go. The second I was more pressured not to screw up, thinking about years of training.

Got home, while having dinner an hour later I wiped my nose and realised some dry blood on my finger about a minute later. Not sure how that got there. I didn't feel a blow land, just his arm around the side of my head when we were jammed up. But it had to happen then.

The second time I stepped very slightly to the left and connected with a clean unanswered uppercut. I was a bit surprised how it landed, smooth like butter. But even then, I didn;t follow it up.

I was thinking I should have naturally, what if ....?

So, overall, I am disapointed in myself. In a way, ignorance is bliss. I thought I was a MA before training with my master. Now, everytime I train I feel like a retard. Everything I do is wrong.

I'm improving, and I feel more confident as a fighter, because before was just a joke, but at the same time, I really am just a white belt, and after all these years that's discouraging, having to start from scratch. But yesterday, and training with my master Tuesday, put everything in perspective.

If I want to be good, I have to be where I am right now and take it seriously, train harder.

Well, I'm leaving work early today to surf. I'm wondering if these guys will be there again? I never seen them before. Not worried about it like that. I know everyone in the water -- the local crew.

My mind is a mess as of late.