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Thread: Doing your Kung Fu homework?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Allentown,PA, United States

    Doing your Kung Fu homework?

    Well, do you do it?
    you know, what your supposed to work on at home .
    Like forms, stance work, routines,

    Or do you not do it and tell your sifu that you did.(Then you wonder why the other students are so much far away ahead of you)I'm not an instructor, but I see this in class often and I know the student is lieing when he/she says they did.

    Your really only hurting yourself
    and I also believe your waisting your money.
    If your not interested enough in the Martial Arts to train somewhat at home,Well then, Maybe you should join a bowling legue.

    We are supposed to practice a certain routine, and the person I get paired up with Sucks because he didn't practice squat.

    Oh Well, I'm not really that upset.
    I still train at home, heavy bag, mook yan jong, forms, shadow box, ETC.

    I believe that ALONE time in training gets you to know yourself a little more and realize some of your flaws.
    Then you have more time to work them out before returning to class.
    Last edited by logic; 06-07-2002 at 10:50 PM.
    Honest Neutral Clarity

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