In the first pic, I have hold of both his arms and my feet are in his hips. My shins are pressing outwards on his arms near the elbow and I am pulling his arms in. This immobilizes his arms for one, and allows me to actually control his movements very effectively. If he just tries to stand up, he’s going to wind up on his back. If he tries to crush me forward, he’ll wind up on his back. Since I have control of his arms, he can’t punch me. He’s actually controlled.

In the second picture, I have my left foot in his hip and my right foot is solidly in his bicep. By pulling tight on his arm and maintaining even pressure with my right foot, I can manipulate his balance and posture very easily—as though he were a puppet on a string. Same issue as above.

In the third picture, I was armbarring the guy, and he had a standard defense in to keep me from extending the arm.