Actually, anyone's advice would be appreciated. This is my first thread so bear with me if I ramble. I have been studying Hung Gar Kung Fu for about 5 months now. For the last 3 yrs I had been training exclusively in ITF TKD. I did about 2 yrs on and off of Shaolin Kung Fu about 10 yrs ago but did not train seriously. As you can probably guess, I have no experience with groundfighting. However, I do feel that I need to incorporate it in to what I am currently learning. I am fortunate enough to have a good friend who is highly experienced in both Muay Thai and submission wrestling. He has agreed to work with me on some groundfighting. Now, I am really concerned with two aspects of groundfighting: 1) Defending against a takedown. 2) If I am taken down, how do I get back up? Since I love Kung Fu and strongly believe in its effectiveness, I have no desire to abandon it. However, I do believe that all styles have weaknesses and I am just looking to fill in the gaps. The advice I need is: What do you guys think of the 2 aspects of groundfighting that I am looking to learn? Is there anything else you would recommend learning other than takedown defenses and submission counters. I really have no desire to stay on the ground and fight. I simply want to be able to counter so that I can get back up if I am ever taken down. I would appreciate any advice that you guys can give. Thanks in advance and I look forward to hearing your opinions. Peace!