Personally, I find rent contracts and recreational activity contracts very different.

Why do most Sports clubs offer 1yr specials and so on, because they know that most of the people that sign up will not last longer than 2 months on average. It is a marketing ploy to get ready cash, most of them happily sign more people than they could/wish to accomodate.
Same with many a BB Program.

I am also against schools that force a certain amount of attendance and will cancel a contract if attendance falls below a certain level.
This in my Opinion are worse than McDojo as they kinda force a Student to attend, even though he might have other commitments and thus get a student body that is not training with 100% intensity when they do attend.

MA is a recreational activity, a sport even, and should be treated as such.
Some might disagree here, but unless you need MA to earn a living it is thus.
Contracts are fine, but should not be confined to a once of payment and should be flexible enough to allow for changes in a students life.
i.e.; Cancellation, lower fees for fewer classes, flexible training schedule, etc.

I need to go on an overseas Trip for my Company and thus are forced to skip a few lessons.So should I be punished for missing lessons due to being successful in my carreer, that gives me money to allow me to pay my Sifu.

Personally, some of the people that replied got too harsh a stance on what they expect of their students, and what they can dicate in their own kwoon.

You are running a scool that offers a service(MA instruction) in exchange for money and not a cult or military.
Not saying that the student can walk allover you either, but success is finding the golden line between your and your students need.


P.S.: Playing with lit matches here.