I was browsing the video section on the martialartsmart website and came across Yuanming Zhang's Hsin Yi video series. The site contains video clip previews of most of their videos, so I decided to view the preview clip of his Five Elements video. Let me just say that this is one of the WIERDEST demonstrations of Pi Quan I've ever seen! Check out the way he reels his hand back past his head before doing the downward splitting portion of Pi Quan. This seems totally wrong to me and could instill some very bad habits into a practitioner in regards to combat. Reeli ng the splitting hand back like that would leave the person extremely open, totally telegraph the move, and would make the technique slow as well. So what are your thoughts? Does anyone know his specific style or lineage on Xingyi (if it relates to his performing the Metal element this way)?

Here is where the clip is located:


Again, tell me your thoughts.