Ego-"Farmers toil their fields all day. they'll be too tired to fight when the day is done."

During the battle of Waterloo when the Brit/Dutch-Anglo center
started to collaspe under the weight of the French attacks and all hope seemed lost the Commander of one of the Scott's units
approched the Commander of the Brit/Anglo Army(The Duke of Wellington) and said..........

Good beans to you me lord!

The Duke,being the gentleman he was, replyed,

"I know nothing what so ever about agriculture"

Well Ego,I've been tired today so I'm with the Duke,other things
keep me busy.

Ego may be a troll at times but I think he's on my side and alot of others(not his southern bashing) when it comes to pulling together as a nation,kados to you Ego.

Now back to the subject.

jonlucas-welcome to the forum/jungle!

We may have the same Sifu,look at my profile,if we do have the same Sifu listen up.

"you're only chance would be for a fast and extreme maneuver that would cause massive pain or massive damage (such as gouging the eyes)."

If we are of the same system and Sifu(SPM is close to mine/ours?)
then listen up,I used "Nine-Step-Push" against a BJJ guy many years ago on the ground,if you know NSP well it works on the ground,but the most IMPORTANT thing when you're on the ground is your state of mind,you have to accept the cold hard fact that you're going to die if you don't use your tools.
My motivation was my children,it clicked and came together,he went to the hospital(eyedamage,almost popped one) and I went home with a cracked elbow.

So train,train.......