Hello all WC practitioners!

Sifu Ken Chung and Sifu Ben Der's schools are having their annual WC picnic and we would like to invite more people from different WC schools to come and enjoy a day of great BBQ, great fun, meet new friends and if your spirit moves you some WC!

The key here is to have fun. There is no ego and no challenge. If you just want to come and enjoy some great BBQ, GREAT! If you want to come and meet new friends, GREAT! And if you want to come and meet Sifu Ken and Sifu Ben, GREAT!


Date: 24 Aug 2002
Time: 10:00am-3:00pm
Place: Cupertino
Cost: $10 per adult and $5 per child

If you are interested please contact either myself or John Weiland (imjlshaw@yahoo.com or john_weiland@sbcglobal.net).

JL Shaw