San Shou would easily be marketable for viewers, but MMA wouldn't because of the grappling intensive nature. There's a lot of stuff that goes on on the mat that's pretty cool, but you have to REALIZE it's pretty cool! A throw looks spectacular. A choke and it's slick defense, does not. Neither does working for position.

Willow, two questions :

1. If a person enters UFC or similar events are they automatically fighting for the purpose of brutalization or does that depend on mindset?

2. One of the traditional purposes of the Lai Tei (sp?) tournaments was to determine who and what style was "the best?" How is that mentality different than today's mentality? Or are you arguing that you have to take it in historical context--fighting is unacceptable in today's society, but it wasn't then, so consequently, fighting competitions should be unacceptable as well?