I can only do standing at night due to my lifestyle. I do Wuji, Ball, Palm (?), and San Ti.
I feel this is very important as it has done a lot for me personally, not just MA. I wait until everybody is down for the night, and sneak into the living room to do the standing.

Here are my non-martial observations that I have discovered.

My kids...sneak out of bed, and raid the refriderator!!! I have quietly walked up behind them and scared the living crap out of them countless times.

I know how cats catch mice. You stand still and quiet long enough, and you will find a whole new world! A lot of stuff goes on in the dark I never knew about. It gets real quiet, and I can hear secret conversations taking place throught the air conditioning vents (ours are metal). Plus, the kids or wife will be walking around, and walk up beside you without really seeing you, and BAM! When they see you they jump!

Who said standing practice was boring???

In all honestly, I was getting ready to get into a real screaming match over finances with my wife today. I felt the burn deep inside coming up. I just breathed and put my mind into quiet standing practice, and I was at peace suddenly. No anger, no fight. It was very nice. I dealt with the issue and that was it.