Here's a question for you CLF practioners.

When you execute the movent Biu Jong do you guys transition from horse to bow stance or do you remain in horse stance and just turn your waist. Similarily how do you turn the waist when you execute Chun Kiu (aka Chun Na or Chun La).

My Sifu has us execute Chun La and Biu Jong by using a horse to bow stance transition. I think it represents a Hung Ga influence. When I try Biu Jong on the heavy bag in this way it seems really awkward. In addition I've noticed that other CLF practioners execute these movements using more of a horse to leaning horse transition utilizing more waist movement.

Any thoughts on this? I personally prefer the more waist-less hip way of doing it but I'm not about to tell my Sifu that I want to change my form.
