you are completely lacking in all things kung fu. You have no skill, no talent, and can only raise yourself up by bringing others down. So sad. A stationary object can only do so much.

Let me spell it out to you, it is the military who have good northern kung fu. Of course novices at fighting ie. monks have to run away from professional fighters - won't you? How would you stand up against a heavy weight boxer or a octogan fighter?
You sidestep the point as usual Ego. This statement has nothing to do with the previous statement. And is irrelevant.

I've seen shaolin monks fight in kung fu movies but their fighting styles in documentaries look quite unimpressive. I think the average bishop at the local church would be a fair match against any of them.
You've seen Shaolin Monks fight in movies? What an expert that must make you. What shaolin monk has ever been in a movie? I'll go ahead and answer that one for you, junior. None. You've seen Actors in movies, acting. They run through choreographed moves for dramatic effect. Movies are fantasy sparky. I'll clear that one up for you too. Some expert you are.

I also have seen footage of special forces apply unarmed combat skills. I think faced against a monk, the monk would do best to run away, perhaps hide in the local church.
Your entire statement only shows your ignorance. You lack the social skills necessary to actually make a point. In addition you have this fascination with worthless fighting styles. The octagon fighters? Nothing more than sport. It's sad that you would put so much faith in an activity that doesn't bring anything but detraction from the Martial Arts.