I think that Aikido is a fine martial art that has a lot to offer in trems of self dicipline but little to offer in the way of self defense.

Now I am not going to get into a mud slinging match about aikido as I have never trained in it ans so am only talking from my experiance of people that have trained in aikido and what I have read.

Also I do not feel that saying its limitted in terms of self defense takes away from its value in anyway.

(and that is as diplomatic as i will ever need to get I hope)


So have you found a teacher in china yet?

One of the guys from our club has gone out to Bejing and has found a teacher for 200 of our UK pounds a month but thats for 8 hours training a day 5 days a week.

Not quite sure what he is training in though as MSN instant messiging second hand though my teacher is hard to get much sense from.