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Thread: "Keyboard Commandos"

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  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, Australia
    Just a thought....

    Do you think members of the SAS all gather around after an opperation to go down town and pick bar fights?
    Do you think they would post on international internet forums to challenge other elite millitary units to 'test metal' againt them?

    I think the sad truth is its people who actualy dont fight who like to talk about how often they do it. Those who have been unlucky enough to see the real side of lethal violence have no wish to be remined of it what so ever. Let alone spend there time trying hard to let everyone know about how badly they want to do it again.
    I dont have a large experience with people such as this and i can in no way clame to be one myself. However what experience i do have has been quite surprising. For a start most of these people refer to fear constantly and if any are familar with the expression 'phuker factor' they will know what im talking about. These people are alive becouse they know better than to take uncalculated risks and they fight becouse they have to kill not becouse they have to prove a point. There is no honour, you may simply sneak up behind the man and slit his neck - better him than you. Hence there is nothing to brag about - you just did what you had to.

    Im guilty myself but the whole idea of an internet challenge is pure ego feeding. If the guy brings a gun and simply shoots you dead then all the self rightousness in the world wont save you.
    The plain fact is people only challenge people over the net becouse deep down they know its never going to happen. If they really wanted to fight they would just join the army or go down to a biker bar.

    Its all ego and ive done it pleanty of times as well, its just sad that this is the outside face we present to others. Become an armchair martial artist to prove just how insecure you really are.

    Real fighters would just fight, they would not need to come here to tell us about it.
    Last edited by jon; 11-30-2002 at 05:02 AM.
    Up and down, forward and backward, left and right, its all the same. All of this is done with the mind, not externaly.
    Shaped dragon and looking monkey, sitting tiger and turning eagle.

    "I wonder how they would do against jon's no-tension fu. I bet they'd do REALLY WELL."
    - Huang Kai Vun

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