OK, this story needs a set up. My little brother moves in with me. His girl friend's cat moves in (burmese, siamese mix, big, furry, no front claws but sharp teeth and strong back claws). The cat has issues now and again and likes to bite and fight with the guys. It is scared of my daughter at first but eventually they become playmates with my daughter using a string to entertain (runs through the apartment, cat chases, everyone is happy).

Friend and his son come over. My friends isn't fond of animals and the cat isn't fond of too many kids. Noticing the friction in the room I put the cat in the basement shut the door. The four of us go upstairs. Somehow the cat gets upstairs. He jumps ON MY DAUGHTER'S CHEST, AND STARTS BITTING HER. I was one room away. I was told I grabbed my daughter with my right hand and backhanded the cat away with my left and kicked it out of the air with my left leg. What the hell? All she was trying to do was pet the cat.

Being the rational sort then, I chased the cat to the basement and barred the door. Actually I chased the cat around intent on killing it until my friend told me to stop, then I locked and barred it in the basement. My daughter had several deep scratches (none requiring stiches) on her right shoulded and a hole dug into her cheast from the cat's back claws). I have never seen a cat rip into a real person before. Wierd. Needless to say the cat doesn't live with us any more (but the cat does live).

OK, my animal attack story is over. Have a better day.