Southern Styles are known for their low line powerful kicks. In some styles multiple kicking lin wan gerk etc ..

what are some of the kicks in your system/style, a description of them and how they can be applied. combinations and so on.

as well techniques of using the stance, knee and shin to damage , take down, control or move the attacker. such as some styles may term pok ma and yil ma.

Training drills, exercises and methods etc etc.

Of course some southern styles have high kick too.
Many Southern styles do not kick often and don't kick unless they are sure not to miss ie. the opponent is controlled or been suitably "prepared" with hand hits etc

looking forward to learning more about southern kicks and training methods.

I guess if u really want to broad - stepping and footwork.. but maybe for another thread.

"if you wanna kick him in the head, Break his knee first"