
I challenge you ****s to beat my lousy day.

I got up this morning and found....

My FAT32 on my laptop was hosed and my operating system was wiped out. It's a piece of junk anyway--five years old and I've been meaning to replace it....

The desktop is not running it's POST and thus will not start at all. Oh, it's getting power, but it ain't running crap....

The answering machine is currently unusable: The power went off and my fiancee is out of town and I don't know how to work the **** thing. I followed the instructions and they don't work.

I went down to my car to go train this morning and found a flat. I had to take Nicole's car. Except she didn't have any gas so I had to fill that up.

So now I'm downstairs in my apartment complex's computer room. I need a Reuben and about 3 beers.