brad, Fukien (Fujian) is the reputed site of the Southern Sil Lum(Shaolin) Temple.
The pRC claims to have unearthed the remains of this temple but it is still debatable, even in the light of the "discovery" if indeed there really was a southern shaolin temple.

as you know or may have heard, there are many temples "associated" with Shaolin in henan at Mount Song.
The northern Temple at song shan(mount sung) is the only irrefutable Shaolin temple.

Many of the other temples such as WuDang shan and emei shan are often times mistakenly called shaolin because the shaolin shared knowledge with these Taoist temples and the Taoist temples reciprocated with sharing knowledge of their own.

As you may also know there are strong ties betwenn ch'an buddhism (the buddhism practiced by the Shaolin) and Taoism. This tie between them may be the cause of the mistaken associations beyond what they really were.


Kung Lek