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Thread: Ryu is back to say hello

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    Ryu is back to say hello

    How is everything going here? What's new, what's bad, what's good?

    Liked the discussion on the Universe thread. Good insights by lots of people, KC, Braden, Prana, etc. Good on you.

    Disliked some other threads. Shame on you. ( )

    Anyway, here's the rundown on some stuff.

    I've been training twice as hard as usual these days (everyday) trying to prepare for my full instructor test in JKD.
    I'll be trying to go for my full intructorship this March. Feel a lot more solid with my weapon work, my grappling, and my fighting. I'm using the straightblast a lot more these days, but have modified it to more of a "boxing blast." Tested it out in sparring, etc. everything looks and works good. Traded some info and techniques with a Jun Fan/JKD instructor under Tim Tackett, and who had been an instructor in Northern Shaolin Kung Fu for nearly 20 years. Fun stuff there.

    My sexual assault advocacy training starts this February, but I have to go down to the university to double check the date it starts, etc. This will be (if I can remember right) a 4-week intensive training course, covering lots of things, etc. I'll let you know how it goes.

    Also, I'm trying to get in contact with and work with a few Asian American organizations that want to alter/speak out against a lot of the stereotypes/images of Asian women being portrayed in film, media, etc. If I can, I want to try and possibly write articles for some Asian American magazines, etc. (Though of course I'm not Asian, but you'll have to figure that sh1t out for yourself. )

    What else? The film stuff I'm doing is hard work (even for independent student films) I'm writing scripts, choreographing martial art scenes, etc. for some filmwork right now, and will be again acting in it. This is nothing too spectacular, these are independent student films. But still a start. Hopefully, I can maybe find a connection somewhere, but again, I won't just jump at anything... see paragraph above.

    So that's about what's going on right now. My Mandarin is getting much better! And I got to sing Chinese Karaoke with a bunch of friends. An experience to say the least.

    Other than that, it's just train, train, finish up college, and train again.

    What's new with everyone here?

    Last edited by Ryu; 01-12-2003 at 12:03 PM.
    "No judo! NO NO!"

    "One who takes pride in shallow knowledge or understanding is like a monkey who delights in adorning itself with garbage."

    Attain your highest ability, and continue past it. Emotion becomes movement. Express that which makes you; which guides you. Movement and Mind without hesitation. Physical spirituality...
    This is Jeet Kune Do....

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