There is a chart hanging on our university gym's wall that lets you compute your Body Mass Index, or BMI.

"This should be fun," I thought. So, at my height of 5'9", and my weight of 170lbs, my BMI was something like 35 or 36.

I looked down at the scale. It says "Obese: 30 and above."

I was like, wtf? I have around 8 or 9%bf and a 31" waist. Somehow I don't think I'm obese.

I'm not "big" by any weight lifting standards. I mean, I'm bigger than Bruce Lee, but come on now. Who the hell was this "BMI" created for?

Because seriously now... in order for me to be in my "target BMI" or something, I'd have to be at like 140lbs. Sorry, 5'9" and 140 is skinny, especially at my bodyfat levels.

Maybe it was a girl's chart and I just didn't see the "girl" part or something.

Anyone know if there's a different one for guys than for girls?
