This was the same post I made on Pavel's forum.

After many years out of martial arts classes, I just joined an NHB club at my University. Ok. I need a bit more endurance than what I've gotten from the past 3 years of weight lifting. Here's the problem. I already eat like a freaking horse just to maintain my weight (170, 5'9", 8%bf). My metabolism is very fast and I've pretty much avoided cardio for the past 3 years because of this. Keeping what muscle I've gained is very important to me.

So here comes the stupid question. Is it possible to do cardiovascular exercise without stimulating the metabolism? I would assume not, since things like prolonged muscular exertion and heavy breathing speed up the metabolism, but maybe you guys know something I don't.

Keep in mind the purpose of the cardio I'm looking for is just to be able to fight longer, not lose bodyfat.

Please don't recommend KB's, because I don't have them, I can't afford them, and my shoulders are already overdeveloped and huge enough; they don't need more stimulation

So if there's some secret way of running or something that prevents weightloss, someone please let me know what it is.

Why am I afraid the answer is just going to be "do cardio and eat even more to compensate"?

