
You could do HIIT type programs with any aerobic activity. I usually either run/jog, use a kettlebell or skip rope. Sometimes I put together a HIIT program using a couple of these exercises.

There are many ways of doing HIIT. Some prefer doing a 30/30 split, i.e. 30 seconds of sprinting and 30 seconds of active recovery, which in this case would be a light jog. Of course this is pretty harsh, so many start with longer 'recovery periods' with 30 seconds of intense effort. Others (such as in the book "Body for Life"), you may use what they call a "High Point Technique", which is in essence a modified HIIT. An example of a HPT would be this:
1st minute - level 5 intensity jog
2nd minute - level 5 intensity jog
3rd minute - level 6
4th minute - level 7
5th minute - level 8
6th minute - level 9
7th minute - level 6
Keep doing this up to level 9 for three more cycles. In HPT you would only hit your 10 at the very end of a 20-minute workout.

Hope this helps.