To All:

WE ARE SADDENED TO ANNOUNCE THE PASSING OF GREAT GRANDMASTER LAI HON KUAI SIFU (Sifu Donald Lai). LAI SIFU DIED ON WEDNESDAY JANUARY 22, 2003 AT 7:00 PM in Foster City California, USA. This is a great lost to all Jing Mo members and to the whole martial arts community.

Lai Sifu was one of original disciples of the famous saber master. Sun Yu Fung.

Lai Sifu was the first Hong Kong (then called Kowloon Jing Mo) Jing Mo (Chin Woo) Association Sifu officially sent to San Francisco, USA, to start up a Jing Mo school back in 1929. We are very grateful and honored to have had the privilege of being the recipients of his wisdom and teaching in Northern Shaolin, Northern Shaolin Lo Han, Seven Star Praying Mantis and Pa Kua.

Our condolences to the Lai family and all his love ones.