
In light of recent discussions here, I thought you might enjoy this conversation between me and Pavel's board.

My favorite part is when Jim Robertson tells me "Unsolicited advice... When PT tells you something you probably ought to listen. "

Actually, the only part that's funny is, after reading my original thread, read the replies that start with Jim saying "A Better Idea." He tries to talk **** about me because a few weeks ago I posted a question there about rear delt isolation work.

I love the reaction you get when you mention "hypertrophy" or "isolation" on that board

Anyway, here's the thread.

And then I'd like your input on my question, if you don't mind, but you can reply here.


Disclaimer for Pavel's spies: I'm not insulting anyone or anything at Pavel's site. I just think the anti-hypertrophy, we hate bodybuilding attitude is a bit much.