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Thread: " Willing Possesion "

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Human Realm
    Believe it if you wish, or dont believe it if you find it ridiculous, but you shouldnt mouth what you dont see in the western world, that is often seen in the east. The deities that your grandmasters pray to arent without spirits.

    I have experienced it, and had complete control over it, although being a skeptic & non-believer prior to that, I was so afraid, I had turned completely cold and did not know how to control what was in me. But when asked to give thanks for his teachings, he immediately withdrew.

    When asked to explain back then, it's as if a giant storm was controlling my limbs and body, and I would move around, and when I tired to resist it, I just shook uncontrollably. Kinda reminds me of those those Qi-Gong practitioners who are about to raise their qi into their heads, they tremble and sweat...

    If asked now, after practising much more Buddhism, to explain what it is, my closest explanation is of a timeless thought (which arises as wind) which helps clear and clean meridian blockages in the body, to allow for greater spiritual practise.

    The deity was a healer/scholar named Wang, or as we asked for him "Wang Lau sien tze". I would be careful about which deities you can ask for help to teach and guide you.

    But dont ask me about asking this deity in combat to help you, it does NOT work that way. I am not knowledgeable enough in the area of san-gong to give you whys and whats, where and whens, but I can tell you this much, my greatest stupidity was to close my mind on there being greater beings than us, how selfish it was, that just because I couldnt see it or make sense of it logically, that I would discount and ridicule it.
    Last edited by prana; 02-09-2003 at 11:02 PM.

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